Diet has a major effect on the risk for heart disease, and healthy eating habits can significantly reduce cardiovascular risk. A healthy eating plan is a good investment in a longer and healthier life. The message is clear — use food to nourish and protect your body.
Use the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid to revamp the way you eat. In your daily diet, include more food from the lower section of the pyramid.
Vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, potatoes, whole grains, olive oil, olives, avocados, herbs, spices
At least twice a week:
Fish, seafood
Daily to weekly:
Low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, plant-based dairy, poultry, eggs
Less than weekly:
Red meat, pork, homemade sweets
Processed foods with chemicals, preservatives, refined or enriched ingredients (such as refined crackers, enriched grains, hydrogenated oils, commercially processed/made sweets)
Eat food on the bottom section of the pyramid in larger amounts and more frequently. Eat foods in the upper sections of the pyramid in smaller portions and less frequently. Moderation is key. For example, enjoy a small piece of birthday cake at a party or a few slices of steak at a backyard reunion. Eating daily from the bottom of the pyramid and occasionally from the top is moderation.
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